Tuition, Fees &
Financial Assistance
CBA operates fiscally through charitable giving and by charging tuition. Oklahoma education tax credits are now available to students! In addition, generous scholarships are available through CBA for those needing financial assistance with tuition. Work-study jobs are a terrific option as well.
2025-26 Annual Costs
Contact CBA for tuition and fees information to be released soon
Optional fees:
Lunches, with possible reduced lunch fee (based on income level & family size)
Commuter bus transportation
Payment Plan Options
Pay by the year
Pay by the semester
Pay in 10 equal payments through automatic bank drafts or credit card payments
If you are an international student entering grades 9 to 11 (typically 14-16 years of age), can speak English well, and desire to take your high school studies at a Christian school where you will study the Bible alongside your regular subjects, then Corn Bible Academy may be right for you.
International Student Annual Cost
International Students may contact maxprogramyear@gmail.com
Contact us with any questions: email info@cornbible.org or call 580-343-2262
Unfortunately, we do not have homestay hosts available for the 2024-2025 school year. A decision regarding international student availability for the 2025-2026 school year will be made soon.
State Tax Credits & CBA Scholarships
The state of Oklahoma now offers tax credits for education! Apply annually starting February 15. Need-based scholarships are also available through CBA, if needed.
Steps to Take:
Apply to be a CBA student.
Interview and be accepted.
Apply for the tax credit starting on February 15. (The tax credit ranges from $5,000 - $7,500 per student per year, depending on income level. Families making less than $150,000 per year have priority status.) - See more info here.
Annual activity fee is due February 1 or upon enrollment.
Apply for additional scholarships, if needed, by June 1. The 2 applications needed for this are on FACTS Grant & Aid and Opportunity Scholarship Fund www.osfkids.org/apply (Oklahoma residents only) *Please note that meeting the OSF maximum income guidelines does not guarantee a scholarship at CBA.*
Items to note:
Scholarships are awarded based on need as determined by financial analysis.
Must be a legal U.S. resident
Children of pastors pay only $500 (7-8th grade) or $1,000 (9-12th grade) out of pocket tuition after the tax credits (if household income is less than $150,000).
WOCS and CBA full-time staff receive a 100% scholarship of their remaining tuition balance after the tax credits (if household income is less than $150,000).
Work-study jobs are available for students who want to earn tuition credit.